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Confirmed bookings, which are cancelled more than 48 hours prior to commencement of shoot, will be charged at 25% of total fee. Cancellation of confirmed bookings 48 hours prior to shoot charged at 50% of total fee. Cancellation of confirmed bookings 24 hours prior to shoot charged at 100% of total fee.

Booking Details

If the full details of the shoot are not revealed prior to the shoot date and documented on this booking form, the owner or agency has the right to suspend the shoot until the agreement (and agreed fee) can be re-negotiated. For clarification purposes, unless agreed in writing prior to commencement of the shoot, a booking will consist of one photographer and one crew per location booking day. For most locations, ‘behind-the-scenes’ filming will incur an extra fee and must also be agreed in advance.

Working hours/Overtime

The normal working day is 9am-6pm unless otherwise stated and agreed. Overtime is charged at 20% of fee per hour for the first two hours and at a rate to be agreed thereafter. Location overtime and weekend shooting is solely at the discretion of the owner.

Payment Terms

By signing this form you agree to adhere to our credit terms as stated on our invoice.

For prepayments we require full payment up front, this is due by 1pm the working day before the shoot. There is a 2% fee to pay by card, we can only accept Visa or Mastercard, we do not accept AMEX, it must be a business card. You are welcome to pay via bank transfer, as long as the payment has cleared by the above deadline, otherwise we will need to take payment on card. Extras on the shoot such as parking, damage or catering will be charged separately for prepay bookings, and will be on 7 day terms.

Booking Info

The house rules sheet, which is sent with this booking form, details the specific rules relating to the location you have booked and is to be distributed and read by all of your crew. It should be strictly adhered to as by signing this form you agree to be liable financially for any claim arising from damage or misuse during your shoot.


Drop offs/Pick Ups

Drop-offs and pick-ups are only possible before or after the shoot day(s) by written prior agreement. A storage cost may be added to your invoice for this facility. Any equipment or valuables left at a location are done so entirely at the clients/photographer’s own risk and Snapshot or the location owner are not liable for any loss or damage.


HMI’s can only be used at certain locations – please contact Snapshot Locations if this facility is required. A cost of £10 per HMI per day will be added to your invoice unless otherwise stated on the house rules and information sheet.

Booking Fee

A location booking fee of £95 or (5% of the agreed location fee, whichever greater), will be added to every invoice.

Furniture, Colour Schemes, Features - and RECCE'S

Please make sure to inform us of any particular area / room, colour scheme, piece of furniture or feature that is essential to your shoot – and we will gladly confirm with the owner , in advance, that this is still in place.

Although we do everything in our power to ensure that our owner’s photographs are up to date (i.e. that the photographs on the Snapshot Locations website reflect the current look of the location) from time to time pieces of furniture, colour schemes and features will be changed by the owner without our prior knowledge. As such, we fully recommend that clients ALWAYS RECCE their chosen location ahead of the shoot day(s) to confirm that everything is in order.

If you choose not to recce the location ahead of EACH INDIVIDUAL shoot and do not advise us in writing with regards to essential areas / rooms, colour schemes, furniture or feature requirements ahead of time , by signing this Booking Form, the client accepts that Snapshot Locations is not directly liable for any compensation claim, monetary or otherwise, that may arise as a result of the location looking in anyway different to the photographs featured on the Snapshot Locations website.

Bringing in Furniture to a Shoot Location

Please note, that due to the higher risk of damage – no client is permitted to bring in ANY furniture or large props into any Snapshot Locations location – without obtaining written permission in advance from Snapshot Locations. Any client who fails to inform us of their intention to move furniture or large props into any shoot location, risks being denied entry by the owner on the day of the shoot – and may be charged a higher fee for the shoot.

Public/Employer’s Liability & Damages

The person signing this agreement, client, photographer or commissioner must ensure that they or their company have Public Liability Insurance to a minimum value of £2,000,000 in the event of an accident or claim and in the case of a company that they are authorised to sign this agreement. A copy of the insurance document must be available to view upon request. Any damages or loss to any part of a location or its property are the responsibility of the client, photographer or commissioner on the day and signing this form represents full acceptance of and agreement to be bound by these terms. Please be aware that you will be invoiced for the full cost of repairs or replacement of property as a result of damage caused during the shoot. In the event of a dispute arising from loss or damage to a location or its contents, you are obliged to attend a meeting at the location with the owner and a representative from Snapshot Locations within 5 working days of the end of the shoot in order to resolve the issue. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in you accepting full responsibility for the cost of any damages being claimed. By signing this agreement you accept and agree to these terms and further accept that either Snapshot Locations, the location owner or any other agency jointly responsible for the management of the location have the right to independently pursue a claim arising from any of the reasons stated above. By signing this agreement you accept full responsibility for the health and safety of all personnel employed directly or indirectly by production, at all times, during the Dates/Times of the shoot. This includes, but is not limited to, carrying out a full risk assessment where required.

Limited Liability of Shoot Locations

Please note that we represent shoot locations that range from private residences through to professional photographic studios and commercial spaces. Clients hiring any of the private residences and non-operating commercial spaces available through Snapshot Locations acknowledge that as non-professional spaces they do not claim to be compliant with standard commercial health and safety requirements and as such, Companies, Entities or Persons choosing to shoot at these locations do so entirely at their own risk and agree to waive any rights whatsoever to make claims on these locations in the event of accidents involving any persons present at the shoot or any equipment or personal property brought in by any person involved in the shoot.

Damage to a Location - Deposits, Claims & Disputes

On occasion, Snapshot Locations will be instructed by the owner to retain a security / damage deposit for the shoot. By signing this agreement the Client agrees to abide by the rules and processes set out in this contract regarding the resolution of any damage claim that may arise. Snapshot Locations Representation does not mediate in any disputes - financial, damage or otherwise that may arise between your company and the location owner. In the event of a dispute arising from loss or damage to a location or its contents, you are obliged to attend a meeting at the location with the owner within 5 working days of the end of the shoot in order to resolve the issue. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in you accepting full responsibility for the cost of any damages being claimed. In the event of an agreement not being reached during mediation between the client and the location owner for any damage claim / dispute i.e. - In an case of Deadlock, each of the Parties shall, within seven days of the Deadlock arising, prepare and circulate to the other Party a statement setting out its position on the matter in dispute and its reasons for adopting that position. Each statement shall be considered by the other Party to which it is addressed and by the Agent, who will endeavour to resolve the Deadlock. If the Parties agree upon a resolution or disposition of the matter, they shall execute a statement setting out the agreed terms. If the Deadlock is not resolved or disposed of within 30 days after expiry of the 7 day period, or such longer period as the Parties agree in writing, either Party may by notice in writing to the other require that the matter is referred to mediation by an independent 3rd party who shall appoint a mediator. Each party shall bear their own costs in the mediation and in the event that an agreement is reached then the terms shall be set down in writing and shall be final and binding on the parties. The Parties acknowledge and accept that the Agent will retain any Deposit or monies held by it until a resolution is reached between the parties in accordance with the processes set out in in this agreement. The location owner also reserves the right to independently pursue the client for full compensation for the alleged damage in accordance with the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

Paint and Decorate

Unless otherwise agreed, a compulsory £1,000 deposit is required for paint and/ or decorate to be paid prior to commencement of the shoot. Prior permission is required from any client wishing to paint and/ or decorate a location, notification of this should be made a minimum of 7 days prior to commencement of the shoot. After completion of the shoot any changes that have been made should be rectified by a professional decorator to a satisfactory standard. Whether a location has been rectified to a satisfactory standard will be decided by the location owner and confirmed by Snapshot Locations. In the event that the location is not returned to a satisfactory standard, the licensee will be liable to cover the cost of rectification, this may involve the location owner employing their own contractors to rectify the issue. We reserve the right to use the deposit and bill for excess costs incurred in order to pay for redecorating, if the reinstatement isn’t done to a satisfactory standard. We strongly recommend photographing any areas to be decorated for your shoot prior to making any changes, so that there is a reference if any disputes arise.

Non UK-Based Companies

Companies that are registered outside of the UK will be subject to pay a deposit proportionate to the value of the booking, to be calculated by Snapshot Locations, and will be required to be on Prepay terms.


In light of the current COVID-19 situation, it has been necessary to introduce a selection of additions to our booking forms.

The person, client or company booking or responsible for the shoot agrees to adhere to the following :-

· To provide PPE and hand sanitiser for all cast and crew members. It is compulsory for the team to wear a face covering when entering and exiting the property and with any interaction with the Homeowner or Location Manager. In line with current Government Guidelines a face covering should be worn at all times when inside the house, the only exemptions being a model on set, or when eating/drinking.

· Follow current Government guidelines and adhere to social distancing where possible.

· Stagger call times with crew arriving at locations at different times where possible.

· Avoid public transport where possible, for crew members who prefer to drive we will do our best to arrange parking permits with the location owners if they are available. Please note parking in London is very limited so we cannot guarantee parking spaces.

· Reduce crews to only essential crew members

· Provide a call sheet & a copy of the crew’s COVID-19 procedures to send to the location owner prior to commencement of the shoot.

· The location owner is responsible for the pre-shoot clean, the client is responsible for the post shoot clean. This includes wiping down surfaces and doorhandles with antibacterial spray/wipes, removing all rubbish (note most owners do not allow the use of their household bins for shoot waste, all shoot waste should be removed at the end of each day). If the location is not left in the appropriate condition you may incur additional cleaning fee’s. If you would rather the location provide the post shoot clean please enquire beforehand for a cleaning quote.

The person, client or company booking or responsible for the shoot should keep regular contact with Snapshot Locations and notify us immediately if any of the crew are feeling unwell and are displaying any symptoms both before and after the shoot. In the instance of a crew member being unwell prior to the shoot, said crew member should not attend the shoot. If the shoot cannot go ahead without them, Snapshot Locations will cancel the shoot without charge.

It is the responsibility of the person, client or company booking to ensure all crew are legally allowed to work in the United Kingdom. This includes but is not limited to current Travel Restrictions including Countries where there is a requirement to self-isolate for 14 days on entry. If the crew/cast member in question has an exemption a certificate will be required to evidence this.

If a member of the Location Owner’s household is unwell, we will do our best to arrange a safe key drop to provide access where the space is vacant. In the event this is not possible or if the property cannot be let vacant, we may need to postpone your shoot or find you an alternative location. In the event that your location is cancelled at the last minute due to COVID-19, Snapshot Locations cannot take responsibility for additional fees incurred if you choose to relocate to a location at a higher price point or other costs involved including accommodation and transportation.

Given the Government’s stated desire to restart the economy as soon as possible and statements related to people being able to resume work where necessary, it seems logical that shoots should be able to go ahead once more, however, it is solely the decision of the person, client or company booking or responsible for the shoot to make the decision to go ahead with a booking and by doing so you accept complete responsibility for your decision.

While we will do everything in our power to ensure that your booking goes ahead unhindered, Snapshot Locations cannot accept any liability for any problems occurring prior to or during the course of your shoot which may result in you not being able to complete your planned work. This includes but is not limited to a member of your crew, the location owner’s family or the person(s) responsible for managing or giving you entry to your chosen location becoming ill prior to or during the course of your shoot, or complaints from a property’s neighbours resulting in the interruption or termination of your shoot.

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